It all depends on the game mode you play. Any Slayer match will take two to three bursts to kill but game modes like swat will take one.
Up to and including death.
The .270 has MUCH more energy than the 30-30.
A tank can do far more damage than any rifle.
The 22pump rifle made by premier how much is it worth
Depended on the rifle. $5-$500
That depends on the exact model of rifle.
In Zoikz, the damage dealt by each weapon varies depending on the enemy's health and armor. Generally, weapons like the Laser Blaster and Plasma Rifle deal higher damage compared to the Starter Pistol or Machine Gun. Upgrading your weapons can also increase their damage output.
Commando Rifle is much better.
Depends on exactly which rifle(s) you refer to.
NO! This will damage your rifle. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!This might also damage the shooter...A 17HMR's bullet is .172 diameter a .22 Mag is .224,and the difference in cases means theres gonna be some rupturing,damaging the gun and the shooter....DONT DO IT!!!!