

How much could a slave be sold for?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: How much could a slave be sold for?
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How much money was a slave sold for?

In 1700 a slave was sold for £20. In 1800 a slave was sold for £35.

How much money was a woman slave sold for?

as much as $500

How much money was a slave sold for in the US?

like 10000 hindis

How did slave free themselves?

A slave was not paid, did not earn money and did not buy their freedom. A slave is property and has no decision on how they live. As property they could be sold away from wife/husband and children, they could be beaten, killed, children could be sold away, all decisions made about work or life done by the person who own them.

Who captured the Africans who were sold were sold in the Atlantic slave trade?

African slave traders

Where can you be sold as a slave?

no I can answer it

Where slave sold by African slave owners?


Why was Saint Patrick taken by Irish pirates?

He was taken so that he could be sold as a slave in Ireland, which is what happened to him.

How old was Sojourner Truth when she was sold as a slave?

Sojourner Truth was 14 years old when she was sold as an slave.

How did a slave get sold?

Slaves were typically sold at auction.

Why did Sacajawea get sold?

Sacajawea got sold because she was a slave to the Hidasta tribe. She actually belonged to the Shoshone Tribe and they were enimies so she was sold to Charbennue who was chief of the Hidsata tribe and she was sold as a slave to himSacajawea got sold because she was a slave to the Hidasta tribe. She actually belonged to the Shoshone Tribe and they were enimies so she was sold to Charbennue who was chief of the Hidsata tribe and she was sold as a slave to him

What types of punishments could a slave receive?

whipping, cut of toes or half a foot,sold on, branded and more.