Will depend on exact model, condition, barrels, Private sale or sale to a dealer. Could be anywhere from $100-$275. They are excellent revolvers, generally priced for less than what they are worth.
what is the model... The 38 special can sell, on the high end, for $450-650. Of course, this can be much lower depending on quality.
again, i just paid for a model 30-1 $350 new in box with papers ( snub ). i need another, please email me. ernieshelly@yahoo.com
smith and Wesson made hundreds of models, yours sounds like a small handgun from the early 1900's. try to Google a web site for gun collectors. in Canada they sell for $75 max, then $150 to $175 in the us, must be in excellent condition for these prices.
not likely
Smith and Wesson 65s currently (November 2007) sell between $250.00 and $400.00, depending on condition.
I just bought one at gunbroker.com for $311. They sell from $450 to $600.
Maybe 100 or so
Value depends on condtion, how bad you want to sell it, how bad someone wants to buy it, any accessories, the box, original papers, barrel length, finish,etc.. Impossible to date without the serial number. Range from 250-650 USD.
Depending on condition, 75-200 USD
10-100 usd
50- 300 uSD
Depends on exact model and condition. No one answer- sorry-