Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd say about six and a half people british alcohol. Although some british people alcohol more than others. Some british people alcohol chips drink after vomit sleep.
yes nicaraguans do drink lots of beer.
If you drink too much beer, you get drunk.
PBR or Budweiser but he really didn't much drink beer.
It depends on how much you drink beer on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. For me: nothing.
He could only drink about 1/8th of his weight.
dont drink beer idiot
depends on how much/often you drink
to drink so much
all alcohol makes you urinate but beer and wine make you urinate faster because they have much larger amounts of water in each "drink".
no because he is too much of a girl to drink.. he pukes
i think there is no difference between Germany and other countries. immediately afterwards we drink much water and then we hang out and drink beer in the locker room. BEER!!!