It all depends on the condition of the pistol. But one in EXCELLENT shape (NO Dings, rust, scratches or use.) is worth around $200
Beeman makes the single pump pneumatic .177 pellet pistol called a P3 there are several variations of this German pistol like the "Marksman 2004" made in China and a few other less valuable and less quality.
It usually says right on the barrel. Single shot / single load pistols are pellet pistols. Most BB guns have a reservoir for the BB's. There are a few that shoot either a BB or a pellet. You will have to look at the instructions or the display box to see what it says. Pellet pistols are more accurate than BB pistols. Most BB pistols will say .177 BB. Pellet pistols will say .177 Cal and not say BB.
this particular item is a .22 cal. pellet gun
Beginning in 2001 Winchester label air guns and rifles were made in Spain & Turkey for Daisy airgun company. The 353 came in .177 and .22 caliber models. It is rated at 378 FPS. 2.75 lbs, blue finish, composite stick.
320 in a pellet gun is average. there are a few that have a higher FPS, but anything that fires between 300 - 400 FPS is normal for a C02 pistol. Rifles on the other hand currently are made to fire above 1000 FPS. The Crosman 1377C fires above 600 FPS but you have to pump it 10 times and it is a single shot pistol
No, if it was designed to be a single shot, it's a single shot. It needs to be reloaded after each shot.
no, its a single action pistol what uses blanks
A pistol is a single hand firearm with a short barrel.
AFAIK, Colt never made a single shot pistol
The Sea Lion pistols and rifles come from China. Most of them are single shot. They usually are of the "break barrel" design. This means you push the barrel all the way down to cock it. While the barrel is open you load in a pellet. Usually a .177 size pellet. Pull the barrel back up and it is ready to fire.
No, Winchester did not. Bert H.
Yes, several.We call that a "sister". My pair is a Winchester model 1892, and Colt Python.Both fire .38 special and 357 magnum. .44 caliber is another obvious choice along with .22cal. If you want to have real kick.You could get a Thompson center single shot pistol along with Your Winchester. both in.30/.30.