the proof is used to tell you how much alcohol is in it. 100 proof is about 50% alcohol so jsut divide the proof by 2 the higer the proof the more alcohol
60 proof alcohol is 30% pure alcohol. So if you are drinking a 60 proof alcohol, you are consuming 30% of pure alcohol content in that beverage.
It's a 100 proof alcohol, and 50% alcohol content.
the higher the proof the stronger - more alcohol - there is. In the UK 70 dgree proof was the standard strength of whiskey - 40% alcohol. 100 proof is 57.1% alcohol. 175 proof is 100% alcohol. In the USA it is different. 100 proof would be 50% alcohol, 70 proof would be 35% alcohol. 200proof would be 100% alcohol. ie double
proof is double the alcohol percentage. 40% alcohol= 80 proof
50% alcohol Proof ÷ 2 = % alcohol
Alcohol proof is double the actual percentage of alcohol. 100 proof is 50% alcohol, 80 proof is 40%, and 65 proof is 32.5%
'Proof' is a unit of measurement equal to 1 half of 1 percent. Therefore, 150 proof is 75% Alcohol by Volume (although at this point, you're more likely drinking moonshine or grain alcohol and not whiskey)
Alcohol is measured in proof. 100% proof whiskey is 50% alcohol. Everclear is 95% alcohol.
100% pure alcohol is 200 proof. So 100 proof is 50% alcohol.
it is 80 proof which is 40 percent alcohol
100% pure alcohol is 200 proof. A liquid containing 10.5% alcohol would thus be 21 proof