ANSCHUTZ 2002 Are you asking about the rifle model 2002 ALU? If so this rifle, not gun, was mfg 2000-2006 at 95% it worth $1,200, at 100% it's worth $1,350.
100-1000 depending on condition, box, accessories, etc..
I have owned this rifle for years my wife bought it new for me in 1967 and gave 90.00 for it if anyone can tell me what its current worth is i would appreciat it i would guess its condition at 100 percent savage anschutz model 141 in 95% condition is worth 850.00 model 141m 95% condition is worth 950.00 i own one of each and had them appraised last year
25-300 dollars
100-1000 depending on specifics
100-500 USD or so
50-300 USD or so
100-400 or so
How much Remington Armory 1918 bolt action rifle barrels are worth will depend on their condition, overall state and wear, and can range from $200 to about $800.
please state the model number and the condition of the rifle. Is this a 22 rim-fire or air rifle?
300 or so