It's not about how much you weigh. Usually girls will start having periods between the ages of 11 and 15, though it can be as early as 9 or late as 19. However, if a girl's BMI (body mass index) is very low, this may mean her periods do not start until later than they would naturally. Likewise if a girl has already had periods, then becomes very underweight her periods may stop. There is NO weight you need to be to start periods - everybody has different heights and body builds so it doesn't work like that. Unless you think you may be very underweight (in which case you should see a doctor about building up your weight) how big you are should NOT make a difference to when you start. Ask close female relatives (definately your mother, and grandmother if you feel you can) because genetics has a lot to do with when you start!
They should gain like 3-5 pounds from there normal weght
they sure do, everytime.
"Carrie" (1976).
you should weigh about 115
first she should learn how to spell.
A ten year old girl can weigh from 80-100 lbs.
They should weigh around 70 pounds.
you should weigh about 120-125
300 pounds