if your single then you should spend at least 200 on food and 300 on clothes if you have a family of 4 or more then you should spend at least 600 to 700 a month on groceries and depending on the kid 150 a mounthe on colthes
Well if you want to do the weekly shopping, you need more than this but i would say about 20... depends what you would do there.
The exact figure for how much money was spent on shopping in Austria last year is not readily available. However, you can check with the Austrian Statistical Office for the most accurate data on retail spending in the country.
If something is saving cost it means that you are not spending as much money. Packing a lunch is cost saving because you are not spending as much money to eat lunch out.
if you are refering to the us government it is because you have a shitload of fat people and that could cause the government to pump money into healthcare and nobody likes spending alot of money.
a loot!! stop spending money people!! save!
It depends on how much money they have and what it is they want to purchase.
it depends what store your shopping at
his wife spending to much money
spending too much money
spending too much money on itunes