People have tried to answer this question for many years, but only have discovered that only a blackbird can sleep in flight.
well it depends if you sleep 12 hours every day for 24 years you would have gotten about 12 years of sleep.
There are many different reasons why people sleep hard.
100 years
On average, people 100 years ago got around 9 hours of sleep per night, while today the average is closer to 6-7 hours. This decrease in sleep duration is largely due to changes in lifestyle, technology, and work habits.
she fell into a deep sleep
3 years
Traditionally they would sleep on futons Now many people sleep in western style beds.
This will vary by person and can depend on how many hours of sleep you get each night. If you average approximately 7 hours of sleep per night, you can expect to sleep 22 years. If you average 8 hours of sleep per night, you can expect to sleep about 25 years. It is accurate to assume that you will have spent about a third of your life sleeping.
Volcanoes can lie dormant for thousands of years.
80% people don't get enough sleep.. babay
At least 10