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This is all depends on individual and not all married women do get involve with the man they work with. Most of the time woman who works with big company, it will be different for them, married woman who get involve with co workers are likely for friendship or just someone to talk to. But there are woman who do get involve with man she work with because of she is mostly one of the head of a big company.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago



From my survey, 45% of women cheat on their husband, and 65% of men do cheat on their wives.

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yes, all the time and he has slept with so many women there are too many to count.

Why women cheat on their husband?

to get more satifaction of compltness

Why does your husband cheat with only bisexual women?

It's possible that he would like you to join, or has a fantasy of a three-way with two women.

Why does your husband need to find other women on a dating site?

ANSWER:Are the two of you having a marriage problem, if you that will be one of the reason. Or it could be that your husband is bored with his life with you. There are many reason why most married men cheat.

Is it criminal to cheat on your husband in Texas?

It is grounds for divorce. Talk to a lawyer or counsellor at a women's shelter. Cheating only demeans you, even if your husband is a jerk.

Out of how many wifes does one wife cheat on her husband?

It is unknown how many wife cheat on their husbands. Some wives cheat on their husbands and never tell.

When did Aphrodite cheat on her husband?

She cheated on many men with her husband even when they were just married and before that

Why would a newly-married women cheat on her husband?

Thats her M.O. She isn''t ready to settle down.

How many cheat women?

A thousand woman each year cheat on their husbands.

How many Russian women have french husbands?

Too many. However, Russian women (especially beautiful ones) cheat much more, and that's a huge shame for those kind of women. Many Russian men just want to "revenge" for their unfaithful women, so they cheat too. Trust me, Russian women are among the most beautiful in the world, but you cannot trust them because they love to cheat (not all of them, but many Russian women do cheat their husbands).

How do you get your husband to cheat?

You should not let you husband to cheat at the first place. It can hurt the feelings of both of you.