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That depends on which test is done. A chorionic villus sample test can determine gender around 9 weeks, an amnioccentesis can also determine gender and is done between 16-20 weeks and by ultrasound which is least reliable because its done visually usually around 18 weeks.

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Q: How many weeks until you know the unborn baby's gender?
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When can you know the gender of your unborn baby?

16-20 weeks

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The unborn offspring in the early stages of development is called an embryo. This stage typically lasts from fertilization until around eight weeks of gestation.

When is the absolute earliest you can find out the gender of the baby?

16 weeks it is possible to detect gender. Most OB's won't order an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks.

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No it gets out of your system in less than 3 days and can take up to 6 days to be out of the babys sytem

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The baby's gender can usually be determined by ultrasound in the mid to late second trimester of the pregnancy. The baby's gender usually begins to develop during the latter half of the first trimester (about 8 weeks).

When will you be able to tell the babys sex?

at 18 weeks

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Every Dr is different. They normally begin looking for it around 10 weeks of pregnancy but my not be able to hear it until around 12 weeks.

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It just depends. some women at 15 weeks finds out the gender some just don't at all until your like 18+ weeks...

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the babys development and the babys heart beat

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Resist the urge for at least a couple of weeks. Okay, one week, but that's my final offer!

How far along in your pregnancy were you when you found out the gender of your baby?

Typically you can find out your babys gender at your 20 week ultrasound. This is if baby is cooperating and isn't being shy about their man or lady parts

How long will THC stay in unborn babys system after mother quits?

The Thc breaks sown over time, 6-9 months to completley go. Un noticable after 2 weeks, baby wont have any symptoms but will be detectable for some time