10 months
2 and 1/4 months
41 weeks is nine months plus, usually referred to as a "Term".
978.327318 weeks
There are approximately 4.2 weeks in a month. A year is 52 weeks. So you're talking about a year and (61.5 - 52 = 9.5) nine and a half weeks. Nine and a half weeks is a little over two months. About 14 and a half months altogether.
9 weeks
9 months is 39.13 weeks.
it will be almost nine months of pregnancy
38 weeks is approximately 8.8 months.
Depends on when you had sex. Right after the last one or later.
44.3 to 53 weeks with an average of 48.6 weeks.
Around 2 months. Five Days I believe. Nine weeks :3