There are about 24 months (2 years) in 104 weeks.
There are 128 weeks in 32 months.
There is 11.51 months in 50 weeks.
There are 43 full weeks in 10 months.
It's about 17.7 months or about 76.9 weeks.
10 weeks is longer and 2 months is shorter
2 months and 8 weeks
3 months and 2 weeks.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you have 54 weeks, you can divide that by 4 weeks in a month to find out how many months it is. So, 54 divided by 4 equals 13.5 months. Since we can't have half a month, we can say there are approximately 13 months in 54 weeks.
There are about 24 months (2 years) in 104 weeks.
2 1/2 months
Almost 3 months....about 2 months and 3 weeks.
Well, it depends on how long the months are, but if each month had 4 days, there would be 40 weeks in 10 months.
its about 8 1/2 months
2 and 1/4 months
not necessarily... if you do the math, 8 weeks is only 56 days and 2 months usually has 61 days, so it doesn't follow that 8 weeks is the same as 2 months...
Two months and two weeks.