Well 24 hours of video are uploaded every minute.
So 24x60=1440
1440 Hours of video are uploaded a hour.
So 1440x24=34560
34569 hours of video are uploaded a Day.
There is no set amount of videos uploaded because videos vary in length.
Hope I helped!
YouTube is generating an estimated 4 billion videos views every day. Every minute about 60 hours of video are being uploaded on YouTube, and every month there about 800 million unique users who visit this site.
There are over two hundred thousand videos uploaded to You Tube daily. The highest percentage of videos are music videos and are made by amateurs. The United States has the highest number of uploaded videos.
845,177,209,022That was an approx. answer there's no way you can be for sure how many videos are on YouTube because at this very moment, every minute/second there's a video being uploaded so lets say you do an estimate of YouTube videos you could say there are 500,000,000,000 videos on YouTube, but as soon as you say that there could be 700,000,000,000 more added. 200,000,000,000 more videos added to the site seconds later. Since YT (YouTube) is world wide. My estimate is probably around 800,000,000,000 (and counting and subtracting). The reason why I say subtracting is because videos are also being deleted every second as well.Bottom line... You can't predict how many videos are on YT.
It is reported that over 72 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute, but that is not the same as 4 billion hours of actual video watched a month. With the 72 hours of video uploaded multiplying it by each day would be a total of 1,440 hours a day totaling to 43,200 hours of video uploaded in a 30 day period.
There are many ways in which one can find information on how to complete the Rubic's cube. This includes blogs and forums, as well as YouTube instructional videos.
YouTube is generating an estimated 4 billion videos views every day. Every minute about 60 hours of video are being uploaded on YouTube, and every month there about 800 million unique users who visit this site.
There are many videos of various different subjects that are uploaded to the Mos Cracium YouTube account. The amount of videos that are uploaded to the account is over 100.
This is not a publicly released statistic by YouTube unfortunately, so an exact answer cannot be given. However, it is estimated that there are 48 hours of video uploaded every minute onto YouTube, which would translate into a lot of videos.
Over 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute, so it's impossible to say exactly how many videos there are in total, since the number is constantly changing.
Videos of children singing can be viewed on YouTube. There are many videos which users have uploaded which are enjoyable and entertaining. Some are quite good.
There are over two hundred thousand videos uploaded to You Tube daily. The highest percentage of videos are music videos and are made by amateurs. The United States has the highest number of uploaded videos.
One can find cute videos of Weimaraner puppies on Youtube. Many users have uploaded such videos. Gotweim is a user who has uploaded several videos of cute Weimaraner puppies.
There are many videos of Cinderella by Britney Spears that can be watched on YouTube. There are videos that fans have created and uploaded and also videos with lyrics.
While the videos have been uploaded to YouTube by many individuals, credit for creating at least some of the videos is attributed to a YouTube user with the screen name Gilead111. The videos themselves contain no credits.
As one hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, it is almost impossible to say how many actual videos are available to watch free. According to the YouTube website, over six billion hours are watched each month, equivalent to nearly an hour for every person on earth!
There are many places where a large variety of videos can be watched. YouTube has more videos than any other website, with 48 hours of video being uploaded every minute of the day. There is over 8 years' worth of video on YouTube.
One can watch videos of girls boxing on YouTube where there have been many such videos uploaded. Similar videos can be watched on other sites like Dailymotion and Metacafe.