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You should change your pads every 4-6 hours.

Check your pad regularly until you get a better idea of when you need to change, if the pad is full it should of course be changed even if before 4-6 hours - also if the pad looks fairly full and you know you're going to be in class for the next hour it's best to err on the side of caution and change the pad then even if not quite full to avoid leaks.

Still change your pads regularly even if they don't have much blood on them to stay hygienic - pads can get urine on them even after you wipe and pads habour bacteria including bacteria from around your anus which you don't want lingering round your genitals. If you use commercial pads like Always or Kotex this is even more important as they don't allow air flow so create the perfect warm moist (sweaty!) place for bacteria and yeast to thrive, plus these types of pads contain chemicals that cause odour.

Tip - Try organic unbleached cotton pads like Cottons or Natracare, better still is to try cloth pads like Lunapads or Party In My Pants Pads which are both more hygienic.

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How many times should change the pads?

To be clean and clear of infections and things , you should change your pad every 2-4 hours. I hope this helped.

How many times a day should you change a pad I have to change mine about every 4 hours is this OK?

Yes. That is completely normal. It is also normal if you have to change more often than that. That is usually how often i change my pad.

How many times should you change your pad in a day?

How often you change your pad depends on how heavy your flow is and how often your pads fill-up. You need to change your pads at least every 4-6 hours, this is true even if they're not full because you need to change often in order to remain hygienic.

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4-5 days or 1 week.on day 2 the flow is very strong and fast answered by:stephany b 10 yrs old

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