around twice a day
A Normal Poops around 3 a day to 3 a week it depends on Who the person is and there really is no average because people can poop 5 times a day or 2 times a week
Yes you can trade your Pokémon 2 times with a person or even more than 2 times with a person, there's no limit to how many times you can trade your Pokémon with someone.
There are no limits on how many times an adult may marry. The only requirement is that he or she has been legally divorced according to the laws of the state in which he or she resided.
A Muslim person, only the man can marry 7 times and no more No this answer is wrong. A Muslim man can marry as many times as he want. However, he can't keep more than 4 wives at one time.
Afraid not.
There is no way to tell how often an average person will YOLO each day. A YOLO is often a dumb move or a dumb idea which causes a person to say "you only live once." This could happen many times each day for some people.
The average person blinks 17,000 times each day or 6.25 million times a year
Approximately 240 times on the average.
The average person uses the bathroom/ restroom about 3 times a day.
Well they talk and they do walk that many times. My aunt can say 22 words per minute.
2500 times
the average person looks in the mirror between 100 and 500 times a day
4000 times