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If you'be had it before and your body has rejected it it's best. Of to get it redone as it will save you time, money and pain. But I'd you've taken it out and it's closed up (100% healed) then you can get it redone 3-4 times (with a needle) but you should always check with your local piercer as well as online. :)

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Q: How many times can you get your nose pierced in the same spot?
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What sde of your nose should you geet pierced?

RIGHT! I had the same question when I went to get my nose pierced! I asked around for months and everyone that I seen had it on the right side! OH here is a tip! Don't remove it before the time frame that is given!

When you get the side of your nose pierced can you still flare your nostrils the same as before?

Yes, nothing changes, but you will be a little sore for awhile.

Does it hurt when getting your nose pierced?

Pretty much all piercings hurt - its just a matter of how much. Most nose piercing hurts about the same as getting an earlobe pierced. Of course there is also soreness after the piercing which usually goes away after it heals up (unless it gets infected).

Can buy a lip ring to put in your nose as a ring?

yeah you should be able to, as long as the lip ring is the same thickness as the stud you had your nose pierced with, otherwise the ring will not go through. :) hope this helped.

What does nose piercing mean?

Piercing means making a hole in something by thrusting a solid object through it. You've certainly seen pierced ears -- nose piercings are the same thing, only in the side of the nose, or sometimes through the septum in the middle part.

Which side of your nose should you get pierced?

left means gay and right means straight and a ring in the middle means either or. but chicks can do what they want.

Can you get your ears gauged the same day you get them pierced?

You definitely cant stretch your ears the same day you get them pierced. What you can do is get them pierced at a bigger gauge to skip the stretching process.

My ears were pierced but they've closed up can you get the same 'hole' re-pierced or will I have to have a 2nd hole?

Yes you an have the same hole pierced. But make sure that is where you want the hole this is a second chance t get them perfect.

Does it hurt to get your ears pierced at the same time?


What side piercing is the gay side?

Right side left side gay? Well in professional body piercing what side you pierce your nose on has no bearing on your sexual orientation, it's what side looks better for the nose being pierced. The same applies to ear piercing now, both sides one side, both sides multiple times means nothing other than style and appearance, not sexual orientation.

Do men get there tonuge pIerced?

They want to. Same as women.

Does a nose piercing hurt more when you re-pierce then when you got it pierced the first time?

Depends. Sometimes, piercing scar tissue is more painful but then again, it might not even bother you.