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More than the women did before they became pregnant. They go alot now that the babies put pressure. They should have a monitor to let them know when they need to go to the bathroom.

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Q: How many time does a pregnant women pee?
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When do you begin to pee in the amniotic sack?

Pregnant women do NOT pee in amniotic sacs- the amniotic sac surrounds the baby, you pee in the same manner, same way and same place as you always have. If any pee is in the amniotic sac, it is from the baby.

If a toilet paper have pee and then you get that toilet and used it do you get pregnant?

no you can not get pregnant for pee. only semen

Why do you pee a lot are you pregnant?

wel normally if u pee alot u are pregnant

Were to put in a pregnant test?

you pee on a pregnant test

Can a man and women pee at the same time?

Yes it is. But just not in the samE TOILET!

Why do you have to pee every time you stand up when you are seven months pregnant?

the baby puts presure on your bladder.

Frequent Urination is that a sign of pregnancy?

No, I pee all the time after eating popcorn. I'm not pregnant. If you want to know if your pregnant go get a pregnancy test.

If you pee a lot does it mean that you are pregnant?


How many bathroom visits should an eight week pregnant woman have?

The number of time a pregnant woman visits bathroom to pee precisely vary from one woman to another, but you will be sure that you have the tendency of urinating more frequently when you are pregnant and some times the pee may be very small yet it will exert pressure on your bladder and cause you to have the urge to urinate. Therefore there is no actual number of times you can visit bathroom once pregnant.

When you pee a lot does that mean i'm pregnant?


How do you find out your pregnant in your tubes?

you pee on a stick