1. 'A Quiet Mind' on the back of his neck (song title and Justin's goal)
2. 'Blue Does' across his knuckles (song title- life is about his daughter now)
3. 'Nevermind' title of song written for wife Lisa printed vertically on back of right forearm.
4. 'Love Me or Leave Me Alone' printed on inside of right forearm
5. A ring tattooed around his left hand ring finger
6. A star outline with initials BRF inside placed below/behind left ear (for daughter)
7. A large red heart with a yellow "X" thru it and some detail work (for his daughter) on the inside of his left forearm.
8. Newest edition, a colorful pic above heart tattoo, inside elbow. Don't know exactly what it is, flower maybe?
Tattoos of names on the left wrist mean that someone was important. Names that are tattooed on the body are very important names to these people.
it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. also, different designs mean different things to different people. there isn't an end all answer. try asking the person it's on what it means to them.
Tattoos mean different things to different people. If you want to have your birthdate as a tattoo you should go for it! Many people have different tattoos, don't care what others think! Good luck! :)
it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. or try asking the person it's on what it means to them.
That you like strawberries. Or strawberry tattoos, anyway..
zero. She does not have any permanent tattoos If that's what you mean :) She got a temporary one once though.
You are fast? People get tattoos for many reasons.
=They mean many things it just depends on the person...==They mean many things it just depends on the person...=
Do you mean Emily Osment? No, she doesn't have any tattoos.
There is no specific meaning behind ankle tattoos. This is just a place where people can put the different tattoos.
He has many tattoos so it depends on which one you mean!
That the person likes airplanes, but if the tattoos are on his genitalia, then well, he has a fetish :/
Fang tattoos are a warning to others that the person with them are emotionally unstable
they mean facatchasdfhd;slfj
The Koi fish is used as a symbol of perseverance for tattoos. Turtles are also great for tattoos that mean perseverance.
it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. try asking the person it's on what it means to them.
It means whatever you want it to mean.