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Approx. 17 net grams of carbs (fruit sugar) in a medium apple - but because it is FRUIT SUGAR (a more complex form than table sugar) it is better handled by your body and therefore better for you than i.e. pop, candy, etc

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Q: How many sugar grams in apple?
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How many grams of sugar in a median apple?

the median apple of grams is about 2

How many sugar grams in an apple?

3.5 grams

How many grams of sugar on an apple?


How many sugar grams are in a raw apple?

It depends upon the size of the apple. If it is a small apple with about 70 calories, it will have about 15 gram of total sugar. If the apple is large and has about 115 calories, it will have about 23 grams of sugar.

How many grams of sugar are in a medium red delicious apple?

Approximately 17 grams of fruit sugar.

How many grams does an apple have?

It depends upon the size of the apple. If it is a small apple with about 70 calories, it will have about 15 gram of total sugar. If the apple is large and has about 115 calories, it will have about 23 grams of sugar.

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How many grams of sugar in 8oz of apple juice?

Like any fruit, lemons contain sugar. A typical lemon contains around 2g of sugar per fruit.

How much sugar salt and fat is there in an apple?

An average-sized apple contains about 19 grams of sugar, almost no fat, and negligible amount of salt.

How many sugar grams in a quarter cup of sugar?

There are about 50 grams of sugar in a quarter cup of sugar.

What is the difference between eating an apple with 16 grams of sugar and eating a candy bar with 16 grams of sugar?

an apple is mor healthy than the candy bar without the sugar ... so it still isn't healthy but its better than the candy bar.