it depends on the man and his wife ,it depends on how fast he is going or how slow he is going it all depends theres no specific time
I survied a thousand males regaurding how long is the average stanima during sexxual intercourse and stastic wise it was 8 mins and 24secs With the amount of men i have had sexual intercourse with it usually lasts about 20 minutes because we do all types of stuff =P
Asking questions about it.
a sexual thought every minute
50% Source - Pearson Health Text
The US Census does not collect data on sexuality; however, according to a recent study by the Williams Institute at the University of California, 11% of the adult population has engaged in same-sex sexual behavior, but only 3.5% of the population identifies as being lesbian, gay, or bi-sexual. As homosexuals are still persecuted in the United States, it is likely that most of the 11% who engaged in same-sex sexual behavior are gay or bisexual but have chosen to not identify as homosexual in order to conform to cultural pressure. For this reason, it is likely that about 1 out of 10 people are gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, the man places his penis inside the woman's vagina. This is known as vaginal intercourse. Sexual intercourse could refer to any type of sexual activity in which one partner penetrates another. Other "types" of sexual intercourse include anal intercourse and oral intercourse.
You clean it
during ovluation.
During sexual intercourse usually.
You can do it any way you like, but for convenience, couples usually undress, completely or partially, for sexual intercourse.
She busted
they try to feel brave
it can takes place ,by sexual intercourse or fatililitali