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my friend as an iPod classic and it can hold 30,000 songs on it

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Q: How many songs can a 120gb ipod store?
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How many videos can a 120gb iPod Classic hold?

it can hold up to 30,000 songs.

How many albums does a 120GB ipod store?

There is no iPod with a 128 gigabyte sized hard drive. But the closest thing to it, the 120 gigabyte model, holds up 30,000 songs in 128kbps AAC format. (The format iTunes converts all music to in order to play on your iPod.)

What MP3 player can hold roughly 1176 albums or about 21168 songs?

Not many at the moment. The 80gb Ipod will store around 20,000 tracks.If that is not enough, try looking at some of the mp4 players on the market, as they sometimes have over 120gb of storage

How many songs can a 160GB ipod store?

40,000 according to

How many songs can you store on a 2g iPod Shuffle?

400 songs Or less depending on the length of the song

How many 3.73 minute songs can fit on a 120GB mp3 player?

a lot!

How many songs can hold 32 GB on iPod Touch?

If you were to add only songs to your iPod touch, you could store 7,000 with the 32GB iPod. However, you can also store up to 40 hours of video as well as any games or other applications you download. I have used this and it is great!. alot

How many cds can 160 gigabyte iPod store?

people can only answer this if they know how many songs are on your cds sorry

How many songs can a 16gb ipod hold?

A 16GB ipod can hold 3,600 songs

How many songs does a 4g iPod hold?

On a 4g ipod touch: 8GB- 2000 songs, 32GB- 7000 songs, 64GB- 16,000 songs.

How much songs can you put on a iPod Shuffle?

it depends on how many songs, how big they are and how much memory you have on your ipod

How many songs can an apple ipod hold?

About 200 songs !