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One bottle of beer is equal to two slices of brown bread.

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Q: How many slices of bread equals one bottle of beer?
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What equals one standard drink A 12-ounce bottle of beer B 4 ounces of whiskey C 22 ounces of malt liquor D 10 ounces of wine?

12 ounce bottle of beer equals one standard drink.

How many beer bottles equals 1 pound?

This can vary depending on the type of beer bottle and its weight. However, on average, it takes about 5-6 empty glass beer bottles to equal 1 pound.

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Did puritans eat beer bread?

yes, and drank beer

How many milliliters are there in a bottle of bier?

A standard bottle of beer is typically 330 milliliters or 12 ounces.

When was White Bread Black Beer created?

White Bread Black Beer was created on 2006-05-29.

Why beer is put in the coloured bottle?

Colored bottle blocks the light. The light effects the yeast making skunky beer.

What to do when you have foreign matter in bottle of beer you puurchase sitting and floating inside at the bottom of beer bottle?

Bring it to the attention of the seller.

How do you make yeast free bread?

You make Irish Soda Bread, Baking Powder Bread or unleavened bread - plenty of recipes available on the internet. Also look for beer bread. Beer is used as the rising agent.

What has a neck but no face?

A beer bottle.

Why does bread not taste alcohol after baking?

This is because when you bake the bread and i assume you are talking about "Beer Bread" it is because the alcohol is evaporated out of the bread the same applies to the beer but chicken it is just used to keep the moisture in.

How do you make beer with out extract?

pee in the bottle and drink hmmm... nice beer