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Q: How many slaves were killed during slavery?
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How many slaves were killed during the civil war?

to many about 111,111,119,000,000

How many people were killed during the slavery?

30-60 million

What are some quotes from black slaves during black slavery?

During Black Slavery many people were unable to read and write therefore not many journals were wrote and quotes.

How many slaves survived the civil war?

It wasn't that slaves were killed during the war, but some were forced to fight during the war.

Who was the African American that killed many whites with a sword in Virginia during slavery times?

Harriet Tubman

Why weren't the roman slaves educated?

There black . duh. The slaves in Rome were not limited from being educated. You are confusing ancient slavery with American slavery. The ancient slaves were often highly educated as they were their master's assistants in many cases. They were also sometimes teachers, physicians and scribes. Many slaves had positions of authority.

What was true about the underground railroad?

many northerners learned about slavery by personal contact with slaves.

Slavery in 300 Bc?

Slavery was a major industry in all of the Ancient world during 300 BC, particularly Rome and Greece. As the Romans expanded and explored new lands they captured slaves. In Greece many of the slaves were also captured foreigners.

Who motherwas sold into slavery?

Many slaves mothers

How many blacks died in slavery?

All blacks who were used as slaves have died since the passing of the 14th amendment which ended slavery in the US. I assume you mean how many blacks died as a result of slavery. In that case, the number is around 4,000. Actual slave deaths were relatively low because they were very expensive and were only killed if they posed a threat to citizens or other slaves.

How many slaves were murdered during slavery?

I would say millions. There is no exact number since no one kept track, but defiantly a lot.

How many boys are slaves?

Well slavery should be over