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about 10 or 11 million survived the middle passage.

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Q: How many slaves survived the middle passage?
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Who created the middle passage?

The slave trade created middle passage as a way to transport slaves from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas With minimal trouble. The conditions of middle passage were deplorable with the odor unbearable and sickness, disease, and raw sewage in abundance. Many slaves died in route, and many more were unsellable due to their weakened condition.

What happened during the middle passage?

The "Middle Passage" refers to the trade routes from West Africa to the Caribbean, South America, and the southern United States that ships took to transport Africans as slaves for sale away from their homes. The Middle Passage is one of the most brutal and disgusting stories in human misery caused by other humans: Africans were often chained aboard the ships and underfed or not fed, forced to lie tightly in bunks in their own excrement, without the benefit of sun or water, for the four to eight weeks of the journey. Over half of the people who were moved in ships this way died. The Middle Passage in many ways exceeds and is at least comparable the abuses that are well-known from the Holocaust of the 20th century.the ships were often followed by sharks because of the females mestrual cycles.The slaves would know this and they would jump of the ship as there last resulotion(suicide).

How many slaves were there on a slave ship in the middle passage?

A typical slave ship carried no less then 200 and no more than 500 slaves when it departed from West Africa. There may have been as many as 20 million slaves transported to the Americas over the years of the slave trade. On most voyages one third of the ship's cargo failed to complete the voyage due to poor hygiene, illness or being crushed by the number of people, That cargo loss (slaves) where merely part of the cost of doing business. A boat from the Middle Passage would have the lower decks crammed full of slaves. Normally the wasted space would only count up to around 1 or 2 metres. Life was tough for a slave. Your hands were cuffed and you would be in pitch black for a few months. Many were temporarily blinded through shock of seeing bright light after all those days.

Describe the middle passage where almost one billion people died before they ever reached the Americas?

The Middle Passage was the section of the trade routes from the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries in which African peoples were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. While many of the Africans died, the numbers are estimated at close to 2 million rather than one billion.

How many slaves are in the world?

27million slaves are in the world

Related questions

How many slaves survived the journey to the Americas?

Roughly 10.7 million slaves survived the Middle Passage.

How were the slaves contorlled on the middle passage?

They were in chains in the bottom of the ship. Many died during the passage.

Why did many slaves die during the middle passage voyage from Africa to the Americas?

Most of the slaves faced horrible conditions on the ships.

Why did many slaves die during the middle passage vayage from Africa to the Americas?

Most of the slaves faced horrible conditions on the ships

What is the past west across the Atlantic ocean for many slaves?

The Middle Passage, as Americans called it.

Who created the middle passage?

The slave trade created middle passage as a way to transport slaves from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas With minimal trouble. The conditions of middle passage were deplorable with the odor unbearable and sickness, disease, and raw sewage in abundance. Many slaves died in route, and many more were unsellable due to their weakened condition.

What is meant by middle passage of the slaves?

The middle passage was a passage taken by boat from Africa to Spain for slave trade conducted by the US in the sixteen hundreds. It was a very brutal and dangerous trip as the slaves were treated horribly and many often died in the trip. My knowledge is basic, but I hope this helps.

What influence did the middle passage have on slavery in the colonies?

The middle passage is how slaves got to America - in a stink infested and filthy cargo hold on a slave ship. Many slaves died enroute, making the slaves that made it sell at a higher price because of supply and demand. Many slaves were so weak they could not work and more than likely met an untimely death at the hands of a slaver.

African slaves most inhumane treatment evident in the middle passage?

Slaves were treated so inhuman (badly) during the middle passage. They were kept on the bottom of ships. They were chained down. Slaves were hardly given any food and they had to go to the bathroom right where they were chained.

Why are the ships of the middle passage called floating coffins?

Many of the slaves were kept in the hold and only by luck did they survive the trip.

What was the trip taken by slaves across the anlantic ocean called?

The trip taken by slaves across the Atlantic Ocean was called the Middle Passage. It was the second leg of the triangular trade route, which also included trade between Europe and Africa, and between the Americas and Europe. The Middle Passage was a horrific journey, and many slaves died from disease, malnutrition, and abuse. Here are some of the conditions that slaves faced during the Middle Passage: They were packed tightly into the holds of ships, often with no more than 6 square feet of space per person. They were chained together, and they were not allowed to move around freely. They were given very little food and water, and they were often forced to drink their own urine. They were exposed to disease, and many died from illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and yellow fever. They were often beaten and abused by the crew of the ship. The Middle Passage was a long and dangerous journey, and it is estimated that between 10 and 20 million Africans died during the voyage. Those who survived the Middle Passage were then forced to work as slaves in the Americas. The Middle Passage was a dark chapter in human history, and it is important to remember the suffering that millions of Africans endured during this period.

What effect did the middle passage have on the Africans?

The Middle Passage had devastating effects on Africans, as millions were subjected to brutal conditions during the transatlantic slave trade. Many Africans suffered from malnutrition, disease, and death during the journey. The trauma and brutality of the Middle Passage had long-lasting physical and psychological impacts on the survivors.