There were between 300 to 500 slave on a boat it depend on how you loaded the boat, you load a lose pack which each slave layed on their backs or a tight pack where each slave layed butt to belly. You was probably loss one-third on the way through the middle passage.
usually about 300-400 but the traders would often put about 200 more on because they knew many of them died
Most of them could fit over 60 people but a few had less capacity.
It was a huge 1700's ship designed to carry 300 slaves however traders managed to fit 600 african slaves on the boat
70 people could fit in one boat
Enough to save a little less than 1,000 people.
Its U-boat not you boat first of all. I'm not sure myself, but I can say it might vary from the different types of U-boats.
At the widest point. Think of it this way; "what is the smallest door this boat could fit through?".
Typically, a lifeboat can fit over 60 people.
Slave traders used every available space to fit as many slaves as possible on a slave ship.
You can transport 42 People.
the environmental impact of having a narrow boat is not being able to fit many people on it :)
It all depends on the size of the craft, it could be any where from 1-50, it also depends on which country ou are in and what the regulations are for the size of boat you are on.
As many as the boat can hold. _ That depends on the boat's capacity. As far as we know, boats have different sizes depending to the people who created it. So the capacity of the boat to carry a passenger also depends on it's size.