It is estimated that around 400-500 million people were alive in the world in 1500 AD. This would represent a small fraction of the global population compared to today.
As of 2021, approximately 100% of people born in 2000 are alive today, as they would be around 21 years old. However, this percentage will decrease as time goes on.
It is difficult to provide an accurate number of Khoisan people alive today as they are spread across various regions in Southern Africa. The Khoisan population has declined over the years due to various factors such as colonization, displacement, and intermarriage with other groups. Estimates suggest that there are anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 Khoisan individuals currently living.
One famous sociologist alive today is Saskia Sassen. She is known for her work in urban sociology, globalization, and human rights. Her research has made significant contributions to understanding the impacts of global capitalism on cities and society.
Many freed slaves did not have the means to leave the farms where they had worked as slaves, and often lacked alternative opportunities for work or housing. Additionally, some former slaves may have had emotional connections to the land and a desire for stability after experiencing significant upheaval.
the resurch documents that many blacks alive today have grandparents today who were slaves authoe no percentage it did say many
Slavery ended in 1865, if you find someone alive let me know!
There are 997 species of bats alive today.
There are many Indian tribes alive today
Slavery is now illegal in the US. Therefore there should be no slaves in the US today.
1, you
The answer is 60,543 emerald tree boas are alive today.
approximately a billion hindus are alive today. They mainly reside in India, nepal, Myanmar and mauritius.
None alive today.