A round is one shot, or cartridge. The term 'round', for the projectile fired from a gun, comes from the days of the musket when the ammunition was round. The projectiles are no longer roung but the name stuck.
A "Round" is usually how many shots are in the loading chamber. it can be one or many. A BB gun can carry 100 ROUNDS but only fires one ROUND at a time. A Machine gun fires many rounds in a "burst".
no, it uses batteries for many shots, not just one round, many rounds.
he collective noun for shots is a volley of shots.
about 2 rebabes shots
There's only one shot per round with any gun. As for the P226, the 9mm holds 15 rounds, while the .40 and .357 Sig models hold 12.
how many 2oz shots in a liter
In a fifth, 17 shots.
about 20 shots
128 shots.
The Shot Heard 'Round the World (Battle of Concord).
The first shots fired in the American Revolution, often referred to as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts.
11 shots