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A round is one shot, or cartridge. The term 'round', for the projectile fired from a gun, comes from the days of the musket when the ammunition was round. The projectiles are no longer roung but the name stuck.

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Q: How many shots in a round?
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What is a round on a bb gun?

A "Round" is usually how many shots are in the loading chamber. it can be one or many. A BB gun can carry 100 ROUNDS but only fires one ROUND at a time. A Machine gun fires many rounds in a "burst".

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no, it uses batteries for many shots, not just one round, many rounds.

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he collective noun for shots is a volley of shots.

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There's only one shot per round with any gun. As for the P226, the 9mm holds 15 rounds, while the .40 and .357 Sig models hold 12.

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In a fifth, 17 shots.

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The Shot Heard 'Round the World (Battle of Concord).

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The first shots fired in the American Revolution, often referred to as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts.

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11 shots