Not very many- between 3 and 5 pellets, depending on whether the shell is a 2.5 inch or a 3 inch. Many are 000 buck (known as triple ought) although some are in #4 buckshot. There is even one that is called 0000 buck, nearly .40 caliber.
Depends on the guage and length of the shell, and the size of shot used. It may be as few as 3, (.410 Buckshot) or as many as several hundred (10 g birdshot).
Buckshot is a large lead shot for shotgun shells (especially used in hunting big game).
Depends entirely on your intended end use.
Yes, for sure.
Needs to be inspected by a good gunsmith.
Buckshot is the large round lead shot fired from a shotgun for hunting large animals, suck as deer (as in Bucks and Does- shot for bucks) The lead balls come in different sizes, denoted by a number. The smaller the number, the larger the shot. The largest standard buckshot is 000, triple ought, at about .35 caliber. 00 (double ought) is the most common, at about .32 caliber. There is 0,1,2,3, and #4 buckshot- about .25 caliber. Different shotguns will pattern some shot better than others. Larger, heavier shot has more range, and greater penetration.
Quite a few. .410 shells were made in 2 inch, 2.5 and 3 inch version, paper, all metal and plastic shells. There are loaded with birdshot, buckshot, slugs, blanks and noise maker shells.
Depends on the use, and how YOUR shotgun patterns. For deer (some areas do not allow slugs or rifles, so buckshot it is) I am partial to 00 Buckshot. Larger pellets retain more energy, give better penetration.
Have it checked out by a gunsmith before you try it.
either 12 gauge slug or buckshot to the head.
Yes chokes are designed to tighten shot patterns.