Wood from timber lands must be harvested to comply with current legislation on planetary protection. Usually for every tree harvested for timber three more are planted in the place of it.
It is estimated that between 1.6 billion and 2.6 billion trees are planted in the U.S. each year through commercial forestry practices, reforestation efforts, and urban tree planting initiatives.
It is from late September to late November here in N.C.. If farmers plant corn or tobacco witch is harvested in September they will plant it right after then. If the farmer plants soybeans, cotton, or peanuts then it will be planted around November. It grows until about march to may when it is harvested and it is planted every other winter due to crop rotaion.
They are planted every spring.
Diamonds are mined, not harvested, and there are diamond mines on every continent except Europe and Antarctica.
no they dont
Strawberries can be planted in every state of the United States, and in every province in Canada. So there's no reason why they can't be planted everywhere in England.
The work of a rubber plantation is done very scientifically. Every tree of a rubber estate is carefully looked after. For this, some special type of labourers are employed. Rubber is planted from the seedlings, and becomes ready for tapping in 6 or 7 years. For making the rubber plants high-yielding, its seedlings are grafted. This is done in a very interesting way. When the seedlings are about 5 or 6 cm. in diameter, buds from the selected high-yielding trees are grafted on to the seedlings. This is done to transmit the high-yielding quality of the "mother-tree". The graft is, then, kept bound and left for a few weeks. After a few weeks the grafted buds sprout. Then, the old tree is cut off just above the point of union. The grafted seedlings are, then, planted in row 5 or 6 metres apart from each other. In order to conserve the soil and its fertility, some crop covers (leguminous creepers etc.) are planted in between the seedling trees. During the period of its growth, planters take all the measures against pest and diseases. Manure and fertilizer are regularly added.
Crops are generally grown in the growing season (from spring to fall) dependent upon the crop, of course. Most are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall, but that is a generalization.
Replanting a seedling for every tree harvested is the solution.