The Big Book passed the 25 million sales mark in English versions alone in 2005. It took 36 years to sell the first million copies. Now A.A. distributes approximately one million books each year in the English-language edition.
We were unable to determine the number of books published in languages other than English, but their number is insignificant in comparison to the English version.
No. The second most commonly published book is Mao Zedong's Quotations from Chairman Mao.
Yes; rights are controlled by Alcoholics Anonymous.
The word "honest" appears 90 times in the book Alcoholics Anonymous.
The book Alcoholics Anonymous says that it's not a cure all. Somewhere around chapter 2.
Priceless, if you need it.
their is a print out which is a book mark that they give you in AA, ITS YELLOW and it tells you where to find -the word s-friendship-love-sex-family,ect by page and where it is exactly in the book, but you have to go to an AA meeting to receive this marker. sometimes just reading it for yourself and using a yellow marker to underline these things couldn't hurt either, but the book also comes from the AA group, and its 11.00 dollars, if you go on-line but at a meeting its free.
part of the AA comes from the book of James, the sermon on the mount and from the oxford group which was an organized religion.
Contact Alcoholics Anonymous,they are in the phone book and online.It is free and confidential or you can ask a doctor or clinic for help.
Leonard N. Kidd is known for writing "Back to Basics: The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners' Meetings." This book provides guidance on how to facilitate effective Alcoholics Anonymous beginner meetings.
You may join AA through your local chapter or online by visiting Alcoholics Anonymous' website where you may also find out where local meetings are taking place near you. AA can also be joined by searching your telephone book or checking with religious organizations in your area.
All the typeset editions of the book "Alcoholics Anonymous" use the typeface Caledonia (pre-digital) and New Caledonia (digital) for body text. Drop caps are set in Park Avenue. I verified this by looking at the properties panel of a PDF downloaded from
Alcoholics Anonymous are usually listed in your phone book, and have an online way to look up meetings in your local area. If you cannot find any information, city hall may have information on similar groups that are meeting.
The prayer known as the St. Francis prayer is not in the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Big Book. It is a popular prayer often associated with recovery programs, but it is not included in the AA literature.