A Winchester model 1894 rifle will hold 6 rounds of 30-30 ammo total.5 rounds in the magazine,and 1 round in the chamber.
13 rounds of .44-40 ammunition.
Your winchester model 1400 holds 3 rounds of ammo.(1 in the chamber,and 2 in the magazine.)
A Winchester model 1200 will hold 30 rounds. These rounds are similar to the size that a 12 gauge shotgun wold hold. This gun was first introduced in 1954.
5 rounds if you have 1 in the chambers, but 4 If you don't.
Three: one in the chamber, two in the magazine.
Your winchester model super X2 should hold 5 rounds of shotgun ammo.
The Winchester model 1892 rifle in .357 cal. which was started in 2011 will hold 10 rounds of .357 mag.The earlier version made in 1997-1998 should hold the same amount.
Depends on the barre/magazine tube combination. 3-8
A marlin lever action 30-30 rifle can hold fife shells in the magazine and one in the chamber.
15, 17 or 21 depending on the type of 22lr ammunition.
Depends on the barrel length. Normally 7.