A Thompson Tommy gun will keep firing until u left off the trigger. They are very reliable.
12-20 rounds depending on caliber and magazine.
The M134 Minigun can fire anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute. It is a six-barreled machine gun which uses the Gatling-gun style of shooting.
450 - 650
About 600 rounds per minute on full auto.
720 rounds a minute approximately
Its simply (in the case of guns) how many bullets the gun can fire in 60 seconds.
Your machine guns in use in 2010 were still developed between the 1950s and 1980s, generally. A gas operated machine gun might fire anywhere from 500 - 1200 rounds per minute, depending on type. Weapons such as the M-134 Minigun can fire between 3000 - 6000 rounds per minute.
YES. It is accurate and has a great fire rate.
.45 ACP
Based on power and clip size, it's no contest - the Thompson Sub Machinegun was far better than the MP-40. The MP-40 utilized simple 9mm rounds, but the Tommy gun utilized more potent .45 caliber rounds. And if you swapped the stick magazine for the drum, you could fire 50-100 rounds in succession without reloading.
Gatling gun rates of fire depend on caliber, number of barrels and whether electric or hand powered.
No such thing as a blank gun. You can put blanks in a gun though.