The question can't be answered. National registration is not required.
As of 2021, there were approximately 2 million firearm owners in Illinois. It's important to note that this number includes registered gun owners as well as those who may legally possess firearms without registration.
No records, since in most of the US, guns and gun owners are not registered. A very rough estimate in in the millions of women.
In the US, roughly 1/3 of the households are gun owners.
Depends on the laws where YOU are (we get questions from many different countries). In MOST of the US, no.
No way to answer, since we do not know exactly how many gun owners (male and femal) there are. FWIW, both of my daughters, one granddaughter, and my stepmother own guns.
Impossible to answer. There is no registration of gun owners in the US, so no records for the information you ask for. Best estimate is several million.
No records. Most of the US does not require gun registration, so there is no central record.
300 million give or take a few hundred thousand.
The US has many blackpowder gun owners and hunting enthusiasists. It is a nostalgic sport that includes many modern technological advancements.
There are no exact records, since you do not need a permit to own in gun in most places. It is ESTIMATED that between 1/3 and 1/2 of all households in the US own at least one gun.