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None. The food called "Welsh rabbit" (also known as "Welsh rarebit") is little more than cheese on toast - melted cheese poured over toast and butter. It is eaten all over the British Isles, and beyond. It sometimes contains other savoury ingredients, but it doesn't include rabbit at all. So no rabbits are necessary! Welsh Rabbit is neither from Wales nor a rabbit.

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Q: How many rabbits does it take to make a Welsh Rabbit?
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What do you do if your vets are so bad that they identified your rabbit's sex wrong?

Many vets don't have much experience or training in rabbits, and because rabbits are very different from cats and dogs, these vets often make mistakes when examining and treating rabbits. It's important to bring your rabbit to a special "rabbit-savvy" vet, otherwise you could endanger your rabbit's life (including death!). See the related question for details and helpful links about how to find a rabbit vet.

Which breed of rabbit has the longest ears?

There are many rabbits with ears sticking up. My Netherland dwarf rabbit, which is the smallest rabbit, has upright ears. Also dutch rabbits and rex rabbits do, to name some. Hope this is of some help :)

What to do with a smelly rabbit?

A healthy rabbit in a clean habitat doesn't smell. Rabbits groom themselves. Unaltered rabbits smell stronger than altered rabbits because of the hormones they secrete and spray around the room. (This is only one of many good reasons to spay/neuter your rabbit.) Otherwise, if your rabbit smells, bring her to a rabbit-savvy vet as soon as possible because something is wrong.

Assume you have a large encolsure full of rabbit food their is 1 pair of rabbits they cannot jhave babies at least till they are 30 days old each rabbit has 2 rabbits and none die how many rabbit?

If the pair of rabbits reproduce every 30 days and each pair produces 2 rabbits, the number of rabbits will increase exponentially. After 30 days, you will have 2 pairs of rabbits (4 rabbits). After 60 days, you will have 4 pairs of rabbits (8 rabbits). This pattern continues to double the number of rabbits every 30 days.

Can rabbits eat dianthus?

There are some flowers that bunnies can eat (like roses, violets, dandelions), but there are also many flowers that are toxic or just unhealthy for bunnies. See the related links and questions below for more information.

Related questions

How many rabbits were needed in Welsh Rarebit?

Welsh Rarebit does not contain any rabbit! It is made with the pouring of melted cheese (sauce consistency) and served over toast.

What is the scientific name for welsh rabbit?

Welsh rabbit, also known as Welsh rarebit, doesn't have a scientific name because it is a snack of melted cheese on toast, and snacks don't have scientific names. There is no animal known as the "Welsh rabbit." There are no rabbits native to Wales or anywhere else in the UK. The European Rabbit is found throughout the UK, including Wales, but it was introduced from continental Europe many years ago - it's scientific name is Oryctolagus cuniculus.

How do you cook rabbits?

clean and cut rabbit into pieces, boil in water with peper and garlic . after boiling rabbit drain dip rabbit into beatened egg roll in flour

What are dwarfs rabbits?

The Netherland Dwarf Rabbit is a recognized rabbit breed in ARBA. It is the smallest breed of rabbit known in ARBA. Many pet stores claim that their rabbits are dwarf rabbits, but they are actually mixed breeds and can grow to be pretty big.

Why is Krishna pictured with a rabbit?

Rabbits are considered lucky (rabbits foot). also the rabbit serves an important role, it is a food source for many other animals.

The number of rabbits triples every four months If there are three rabbits now how many rabbits will there be after a year?

The number of rabbits per year for one rabbit = 3 x 4/12 = 9For three rabbits = 3 x 9 =27 rabbit

Can rabbits swim?

Yes, rabbits can swim.No rabbits do not swim

What is the scientific name for white rabbit?

Different species of rabbit have different scientific names, and there are many different species of white rabbits. All domesticated rabbits (including white rabbits) are European Rabbits, and their scientific name is Oryctolagus cuniculas.

What do you do if your vets are so bad that they identified your rabbit's sex wrong?

Many vets don't have much experience or training in rabbits, and because rabbits are very different from cats and dogs, these vets often make mistakes when examining and treating rabbits. It's important to bring your rabbit to a special "rabbit-savvy" vet, otherwise you could endanger your rabbit's life (including death!). See the related question for details and helpful links about how to find a rabbit vet.

Jeff is conducting a science experiment with a 3 rabbit population every month the rabbit population doubles how many rabbits will he have after 5 months?

If Jeff is conducting a science experiment with a 3 rabbit population and the rabbit population doubles every month, Jeff will have 56 rabbits. That's a lot of rabbits.

How many babbie's can a rabbit have at once?

a large rabbits can have up to 15

How many baby rabbits can 1 rabbit have at once?
