Thirty-six thousandths (0.036) in standard form is 3.6 × 10-2
Pounds can't be converted to fluid ounces. Pounds measure mass, while fluid ounces measure volume.
six hundred thousand Imperial gallons weighs six million poundsOne of the definitions of ton> the short ton (there are absurdly many) is two thousand pounds.So three thousand tons
The average recommended temperature for a refrigerator is 35 - 38o F(degrees Fahrenheit) and 1.6-3.3 °C (degrees Celsius).
There are approximately 2.72 kilograms in six pounds.
There are 13.2 pounds in 6 kilograms.
it equals 13.2 lbs.
1,000,936 pounds.
there is 1 yard in thirty-six inches
The first microwave, the Radarange, weighed around 340 kilograms (750 pounds) and stood over six feet tall.
There are six fives in thirty. This can be calculated by dividing thirty by five, which equals six. Each five can be counted as one instance, resulting in a total of six fives in thirty.
8 hours
one pound seventy £6.00 - £4.30 = £1.70
It is written as £2736.
around eighty-six pounds thirty