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i heard in California like 99 from my friend but im not sure that might have been in my head

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Q: How many plants marijuana plants can you grow with a cannabis club card?
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How much cannabis can you legally grow in Stockton ca without cannabis club card?

My limit is 50 plants and 5 pounds of dried cannabis and I live in Stockton, CA. But some people aren't allowed to posses as much as me because I have a growers license. Yes you can get your cannabis card at age 18, but SOME dispensaries will NOT let you in unless you are 21!

If you have a cannabis license and club card can you sell cannabis to a legitimate cannabis club?

Most clubs will gladly accept your donation, and compensate you for what you contribute. It helps if you have established a consistent business relationship, and have built a reputation of trust.

Do you need to posses a cannabis club card to grow marijuana for cannabis clubs or is there another way to grow and sell to the cannabis clubs without having to have a club card?

To legally grow and sell marijuana to cannabis clubs, you typically need to have a cannabis grower's license or permit issued by the state where the clubs operate. Possessing a cannabis club card may not be sufficient to cultivate and supply cannabis to clubs. It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations in your state regarding cannabis cultivation and distribution.

Where can you find a cannabis club in Orange County?

When I want to find a legal medical marijuana dispensary in orange county I go to

What is a cannabis club?

Cannabis clubs are a safe place for valid medical marijuana users, (see compassionate use act 1996) to attain safe clean medicine. To join you will need valid state I.D. and valid doctors recommendation.

What is the difference between Weed and Marijuana?

none. different words for the same thing These two terms are also synonymous with hemp, although in common usage, hemp means the industrial grade (impossible to get high off of) form of cannabis.

How do you open a medical marijuana club?

Marijuana is a harmful drug. Avoid it.

How do you work for cannabis club?

u got to be a g nikka

If someone has a cannabis card and license can they grow pot and sell it to a legitimate cannabis club for money in California?

Yes.As long as you have a recommendation from a doctor to grow medicinal cannabis, whatever excess you grow can be sold to a collective for distribution amongst their patients. Some collectives require that you become a member of the collective, some of them do not. In California, the attorney general guidelines require that you be a member of the collective to sell medicine to them.When you grow pot though it is for your own personal use. Selling it, even to a legitimate cannabis club, would still be illegal.

In the county of Sonoma in California how much marijuana can someone grow if selling to a legitimate cannabis club is it the same as if you were a patient growing for yourself?

Effective Date. These Guidelines shall be deemed effective as of November 1, 2006.A. Possession. A qualified patient, or a person holding a valid identification card, or the designated primary caregiver of that qualified patient or person, may possess amounts of marijuana of up to three (3) pounds of dried cannabis or conversion per year.B. Cultivation. A qualified patient or a person holding a valid identification card or a designated primary caregiver, or primary caregivers or qualified patients whom associate collectively or cooperatively, may also cultivate cannabis in an amount not to exceed more than one-hundred (100) square feet total garden canopy, per qualified patient, as measured by the combined vegetative growth area.C. Plants. A qualified patient or a person holding a valid identification card or a designated primary caregiver, or primary caregivers or qualified patients whom associate collectively or cooperatively, may cultivate cannabis in an amount not to exceed more than thirty (30) plants per qualified patient. The authorized thirty (30) plants must be grown within the one-hundred (100) square foot total garden canopy per qualified patient.

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