AS far as I know married man with a pregnant wife who's having an affair, hardly leave their wife. I guess only one percent of married man do leave their pregnant wife for a reason that they are not ready for big responsibilities of parenthood.
90 boys must leave
a blood test tells you how many weeks you are when you are pregnant.
The preferred wording would be, "what percent".
0.07 in percent = 7%
using the computer and hearing stories it is true that many guys leave girls when they are pregnant. They dont want the responsibiliy of being a dad.
because she is not married so she is not pregnant Pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse, not of marriage. Many societies disapprove of pregnancy outside marriage, but there are many girls who get pregnant outside marriage.
far more than you could ever guess
It happens a seson after you get married to get a notafied that you're pregnate then it takes 2 more sesons to have the baby
Five percent of women each year that get pregnant while taking the IUD Mirena. This is a type of birth control.
No. However, in many states one can get married with proof of pregnancy, and marriage results in emancipation.
When people got married, they had many children. If people wanted to leave each other, they would just leave (there was no such thing as divorce).
It would depend on the circumstances. There are many variables for this question. If the pregnant girl is living with a man that she is not married to, she will be expelled from the congregation. If the pregnant girl was raped and she was not a willing participant, the congregation will support her. If the pregnant girl is repentant of her actions, the congregation will help her to become spiritually strong again. Sex outside of the marriage is forbidden in the Bible, and is a sin in the eye's of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Anne was carrying only one child when she married William Shakespeare.
90 boys must leave
Answer 1:If this man is married and expecting a baby, he is obviously in a serious relationship and you are just a fling. i think its time you face the emotionally cold, hard fact that it isn't going to work. move on and find someone else.Answer 2:By the question, it's worse than that. She's with a married man, and he has "somebody" pregnant? Well, she knows it's not her, and if it was the wife, he'd have said that. Which means that Mr. Married Man has got a second mistress out there, and it's she who is pregnant!Time to move on from this one. He's not going to have any money to spend on you at all, even if he does actually want you.ANSWER:Wow you are in such a mess having this relationship. Having an affair with a married man is bad enough, and now he told you that he made another woman pregnant. The picture is very clear that this married man is a player and will not care how many women he can have an affair. For your own good, you must let him go. Do you even know if this married man even use protection? It's time for you to tell him to leave you alone, no life can belong to you with this married man.
NO she was married to a man named John Tubman, but John was against Harriet runing away to the north, so she had to leave him. After that she never married again. NO she was married to a man named John Tubman, but John was against Harriet runing away to the north, so she had to leave him. After that she never married again.