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Q: How many people suffer from alcoholism?
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Related questions

How many people in the US suffer from alcoholism?

Actually, the answer depends on how alcoholism is defined. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the best definition and so estimates vary widely.

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What do scientists believe is the cure for alcoholism?

Scientists do not have a cure for alcoholism. There are various aspects to alcoholism and it affects people in many different ways. People can seek help for alcoholism, but there is no actual cure.

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No, there is no evidence of that. He did, by most accounts, suffer from alcoholism.

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There are many people in the world who suffer from ablutophobia. Many of these people go undiagnosed and do not get help.

How many people died of alcoholism in 2008?

No one knows the real answer.

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Can women be impotence?

Women can also suffer from impotence because of many factors including hormonal changes, stress, depression, diabetes, heart disease and alcoholism.

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I'm not sure. But I suffer from delfiniphobia.

How many people suffer from alcohol and drugs?

No one knows ow many people suffer from the abuse of those substances.

What is zevit?

Zevit is classified as a vitamin or mineral and is given to patients who suffer from chronic alcoholism or poor diet.

How alcoholism has historically been a pandemic?

Alcoholism has been a pandemic in history due to how most people didn't know how to control intake of the substance. They would drink too much, and suffer from mental impairment, or permanent physical issues. It was a substance that people didn't know how to control until there was a societal problem as a result of abusing it.