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invite your best friends first. then add closer friends. have about 15 to 20 friends invited. a good place to have your party is monkey joe's or fox bowl. i need to know if you are a boy or a girl though. that would help. but take my advice! I'll be glad to help anytime!

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Q: How many people should a10 yr old girl invite to her birthday party?
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You should invite close family members and friends to your baby's first birthday party.

Who should I invite to my Birthday Party?

your friends

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You should invite close family members, friends, and maybe a few of your child's playmates to their first birthday party.

How many people should you invite to your party?

you should invite how every much people you want to invite

Can you invite your boyfriend to your birthday party?

Yes, he should be among the first invited.

My best friend didn't invite me to her birthday party should I invite her to mine?

If she really is your best friend invite her to your party maybe she had a party with one friend and it was a girl she knew you wouldn't enjoy! just invite her and see how it goes!

Should i invite my sort of worst enemy to your birthday party?

That's up to you. It's your party - invite whoever you want. If you're not comfortable having your 'worst enemy' there - don't invite them.

How many people should a girl invite to her thirteenth birthday party?

13 as amny as possible! this is you becoming an official teenager, it has to be big, right? but definetely invite guys to party, and then girls to saty for the night. you must invite your crush, it will really help your chances!

Whom should a 12 year-old boy invite to a birthday party?

Friends would be a good idea. If he don't have any invite imaginary friends, or just invite kids on his street and people in his class. It's that simple.

If some of your friends don't get along should you invite them all to your birthday party?

Yes, this is your party and you can invite who ever you want. Just let your friends that don't get along know that there will be no fighting for one night because it is your birthday.

You are turning 11 what kind of birthday party should you have?

Just invite close friends, a barbecue party usually does the trick.

Should I invite my sister to my birthday party?

Yes, she is your sister, unless there is a good reason for not inviting her.