There's not an exact number or anything but we can work out who owned a gun...
Farm owners, land lords/ owners and crininals would ave had guns with them parciticly all the time!
not helpful? Sorry!
in the 16th century many people thought love at first sight was very important as many marriage's were chosen by the parents and elder siblings
The main reason so many people were out of work in the 16th century in England was due to the increase in people moving to the area. Poverty hit Britain hard during this time.
40% of the victims died
5 times a day
The life expectancy in the 16th century was right around the late 30s or early 40s, but the numbers are artificially low because of the high number of infant deaths. Many people actually lived into their 50s and 60s.
8000 were closed men
During the 16th century many people felt the church had too much power. The protestant reformation gave power back to the people and was much appreciated by the people.
There were many convents of Dominican nuns in Italy during the 16th century.
none. they didn't have television in the 16th century.
Many things, including their maps of the world.
In the 19th century many countries in the united states owned and operated fairgrounds.