Absolutely no one has died from Marijuana itself.
Zero. No death from marijuana has ever been reported.
No one has died from using marijuana.
Think about this, marijuana is not accepted because its illegal and because the false information people have been giving and thinking about it for years. So many people could benefit from it if it were legal but it would take to long to get into so go to www.bigeye.com/marijuana.htm that will explain a lot. Marijuana might be illegal but what about alcohol, bout everyone drinks it, its only ok because its legal and think about how many people its killed. how many people do you know that have died because marijuana?
Less than zero That's a stupid answer a least one person has to have died from a heart attack cause by marijuana. Marijuana causes the heart to beat 40 time faster than a person who doesn't smoke marijuana. It makes them 5 times at risk of a heart attack ( 1 in 1,000 people) then people who don't smoke. news.harvar.edu
Nobody in the history of mankind has ever died of marijuana. Keep in mind, marijuana has been used by humans since long before the bible was written.
a lot of people have died in the last 100 years i mean a lot of people!!
No Marijuana has not killed any human directly ever. The reason for this is that it is all most impossible to over dose on Marijuana and thus you would die of smoke inhalation before you would overdose on marijuana. However Marijuana has killed people indirectly though drug deals, people driving under the influence and people dieing because of smoke inhalation. However marijuana has saved lives by stopping many daisies.
More than thousand million people have died of typhus from typhus in last 700 years.
4554 people in the last 10 years
There are no documented cases of an individual dying via marijuana overdose, therefore no amount of people "die a day" directly from cannabis consumption.