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At one point I heard that the state of Md. lost over 500 people a year due to inhalants

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Q: How many people die from inhalants?
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How many people are addicted to inhalants?


How many people have died from inhalants?

1 Million

Why do people use inhalants?

People use inhalants because they are stupid

What is the likelihood that people who use inhalants will die from them?

There is no real statistic about death from inhalants, but they are definitely harmful to the body, especially to the lungs. Hurting the lungs is a very dangerous thing to do, since the lungs are responsible for the life-sustaining act of breathing.

What is the likelihood that people will use inhalants will die from them?

There is no real statistic about death from inhalants, but they are definitely harmful to the body, especially to the lungs. Hurting the lungs is a very dangerous thing to do, since the lungs are responsible for the life-sustaining act of breathing.

Do hallucinogenic drugs include inhalants?

Inhalants are not hallucinogenic. One exception could be nitrous oxide but it is different from what most people refer to as inhalants (computer duster, butane etc) as it doesn't inherently cause damage where as other inhalants do.

What are some reasons people experiment with inhalants?

People may experiment with inhalants for the quick, intense high it provides, the easy accessibility of household products containing inhalants, or curiosity about their effects. Additionally, some individuals may use inhalants due to peer pressure or to cope with underlying emotional issues.

Why is the use of inhalants very dangerous to a person's health?

Inhalants can cause cardiac arrest, that means your heart can stop and you will die. Don't use them, it could happen to you!

Who are some famous people that have used inhalants?

chris brown

Are inhalants addictive?

Is the drug inhalants addictive?

What is worst weed or inhalants?

Inhalants for sure.

When did inhalant drugs originate?

An inhalant is a substance (glue, gasoline) that is breathed, intentionally or not, to get high. sometimes they are put in a bag and sniffed (huffing, sniffing, or bagging)inhalants change the way you act and can harm your brain cells BAD4U