There were exactly 1,998,120 people in DC today, also my grandsons 11th birthday, year 1998 month 1 day 20
Based on a population of about 1,210,200,000, and assuming about the same number of people are born each day, more than 3.3 million people in India alone have a birthday each day.
Today's my birthday! It's My Birthday Today! Today I came out of my mother's vagina!
How many people have the birthday of March 23 in the world?
its got to be 3
alot of people have there birthday on November 22
Today Happy BirthDay
Today Happy BirthDay
If today is April 4th and your birthday will be in 3 weeks, your birthday is April 25th.
Yes it is her birthday is on August 25th which is today
no it's my sisters birthday today
51 If your birthday is after today's date. 52 if your birthday is today or before today. (2011)