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An indispensable nutrient is also known as an essential nutrient. About 40 nutrients are currently known to be essential for human beings.

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Q: How many nutrient are indispensable in the diet?
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What is the most indispensable nutrient?

Based upon how fast you can loose consciousness when deprived, oxygen is the most indispensable nutrient.

What is the body's most indispensable nutrient?

Based upon how fast you can loose consciousness when deprived, oxygen is the most indispensable nutrient.

What type of nutrient is phosphorous?

Phosphorous is indispensable for plants.

How many nutrients are considered indispensable in the diet?

An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal body functions that either cannot be by by the body at all or cannot be make in amounts adequate for good health. Some types of essential nutrients include vitamins, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids.

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Why are proteins an essential nutrient to include in a balanced diet?

Which nutrient provides energy and provides bulk in the diet?

Carbohydrates are the nutrient that provides energy for the body. Fiber is the nutrient that provides bulk in the diet and supports healthy digestion.

Approximately how many nutrients are considered indispensable in the diet?

Another way to refer to an indispensable nutrient, is to call it an essential nutrient. This means the body needs these to function properly. Differentiating sources have placed the number of essential nutrients anywhere from 6 to 50 or more. On average there are carbs, fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and water. These can further be broken down into different categories, listing the various examples of each.

What diet avoids excessive amounts of calories or any particular food or nutrient?

A diet avoids excessive amounts of calories or any particular food or nutrient

Which nutrient is the arctic diet rich in?

The nutrient that the arctic diet is rich in protein. This diet is also rich in fat as well as carbohydrates which are needed for energy. In this climate people use greater amounts of energy and a diet higher in carbohydrates is needed.

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our nutrient, carbohydrates and amino acid