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Depends on weed quality

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Dan Gerken

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2y ago
How many nickel bags are in a quarter pound?

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Q: How many nickel bags can you bag out of a pound of weed?
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How many nickel bags can you get from a half oz of weed?


How many bags do you get out of a pound of weed?

Depends what size bags, dimes, quarters??

How many dime bags do you get out of a half oz of weed?

Seeing as there are roughly 453 grams in a pound, and dime bags are usually measure as eighths of an ounce, you could probably assume to divide a pound into 125+/- dime bags.

How many quarters in a pound of weed?

There are 64 quarter ounces in a pound of weed.

How many nickel bags are in 1 ounce of weed?

There are three nickel bags in an ounce. This goes back to when you would purchase an ounce for fifteen dollars, ie... a nickle was five dollars worth of marijuana. Wrong, wrong wrong. Not even close. As a professional tester of this plant, i can accurately tell you that there just over 28 grams in one ounce, 28.3495231 grams to be exact, and a dime bag is one half a gram. So, there are 56 dime bags, or 112 nickles in one ounce.

How many ounces are in a pound of weed?

12. a pound of weed is the same as a pound of anything. lol

How many ounces are in a pound weed?

Eight ounces per 1/2 pound.

If you have a Half pound of weed how much do you put in a nickel size bag?

Half a gram/ .5g

What happens to a 16 year old arrested with a gun and 11 nickel bags of weed?

If charged as an adult, 1-5 years.

How many grams are in a pound of weed?

453.59237 grams

How many eights would you get out a pound of weed?


How many grams in a quarter pound if weed?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! In a quarter pound of weed, there are approximately 113.4 grams. Remember, it's important to paint within the lines and follow the laws and regulations in your area. Just like painting, it's all about finding the right balance and doing things responsibly.