Thirty-one weeks is seven and one quarter months. It is not seven and three-quarters months because 31 weeks X 7 days in a week / 30 days in a month = about 7.25.
Assuming the month you are talking about is May 2, 2009, thirty seven weeks (nine months and one week) ago was around August 2008.
12 Months
May 21st 2010: The approximate current age of the foetus is thirty-one weeks.
Assuming the month you are talking about is May 2, 2009, thirty seven weeks (nine months and one week) ago was around August 2008.
4 weeks to one month, so one and a half months.
12 weeks is 3 months. One month is 4 weeks.
There are five months in a year which have five weeks and these months are January, March, August, October and December. This is due to having thirty-one days instead of the normal thirty day month.
52 weeks in 12 months (one year).
roughly 78 weeks in 18 months, as there are 52 weeks in one year.
There are 26 weeks in 6 month.
There are approximately 64 weeks in 16 months. Sixteen months is one year and 4 months.
Five weeks is one month and one week.