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that is one week shy of your tenth month or "ninth" month.

basically you have one week left before you're due

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Q: How many months is 39 weeks pregnant?
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How many months pregnant are you if you are 29 weeks?

As pregnancy generally lasts 39 weeks, 27 weeks would be 27/39 of 9 months. 27/39 = 0.692 and multiplying that by 9 we get 6.23 - or 6 months 1 week

How far is 37 weeks when you are pregnant?

At 39 weeks pregnant you are classed as full-term therefore you are 9 months pregnant

Im 39 weeks pregnant and 2cm dialated baby is engaged and head down how long do you have?

Months, hang in there!!

How many months is 39 weeks?

Months are generally 30 or 31 days long with 7 days in a week. That makes each month a little over 4 weeks long. 39 weeks would be almost 10 months or 9 months and 3 weeks.

How many weeks are there is 273 days?

it is around eight months

How many weeks are you when your 9 months?

36-39 weeks depending if its a 4 or 5 week month.

How much is 9 months in weeks?

9 months is 39.13 weeks.

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i am 39 weeks pregnant my midwife told me their had been no growth this week what does this mean

What should a pregnant mother expect to happen at 39 weeks?

At 39 weeks, a pregnant mother should expect her physician to conduct an abdominal exam. A pregnant mother can also expect a physician requesting that she complete a sonogram.

Length of pregnancy?

40 weeks from the date of your last expected period - NOT 40 weeks from the time of conception!

Does bonnie Tyler have children?

No, she does not. She got pregnant at 39 but miscarried after two and a half months and was unable to become pregnant after that.

How many weeks is 39 days?

39 days is 5 4/7 weeks, or 5 weeks and 4 days.