they make 600 per second, 36,000 per minute, 51,840,000 daily, 1,583,333,333 per month, and 19,000,000,000 (19 billion) a year.
it takes 31 bricks
There are billions of Lego in the world, and each person is equivalent to 60 Lego bricks!
There are billions of bricks in the world. Just in one day, the LEGO factory in Denmark produces millions of bricks.
21, far as of 5/24/10 Although there are billions of Lego bricks that have been made already. According to the Lego book, each person could get 62 bricks. Everyone in the world!
56 gold bricks
More than 400 billion (400,000,000,000) Lego bricks.
1015 not counting the minifigures.
In the world there are approximately 60 Lego bricks to 1 person. In other words, there are billions out there!
black canary is 150 golden bricks
In between 1 and 100.